You know that app you tried?
We're not like that. 

You know that app you tried?
We're not like that. 

We'll teach you to meditate and help you to keep meditating so you experience real transformation.

the results are real


Book your Beginner’s Course


You've been thinking about this for a while.

You don't have to do it alone.

Learning to meditate is very easy to put off. So many of our students tell us they’ve been meaning to come to us for years, but life’s demands kept getting in the way.

 “If only I’d done this when I first heard about it” is a line we hear all the time.

When we take the step to learn Vedic Meditation, we don’t have to wait long to feel the benefits. From as early as the first week our students report increased feelings of calm and happiness, a lessening of reactivity and a heightened enthusiasm for life.

“BMC will teach you simple magic and your life will never be the same again.”

- vinko, bmc student

Learn the world’s easiest and most powerful meditation technique.
In just 4 x 90 minute sessions you will become self-sufficient in your practice, able to access deep, meditative states easily any time, anywhere.

Beginner's Vedic Meditation Course


Day One 

You will receive your personalised mantra and be given preliminary instructions on how to use it. You will be guided into your first experience of Vedic meditation.

BEGINNER's Vedic Meditation
4 day Course breakdown:

60 minutes

Day Two

You will be taught the Vedic Meditation Technique which will allow you to unlock the power of your mantra, making meditation easy and effortless. The session ends with a group meditation and a chat about experiences. 

90 minutes

Day Three

In this session we refine the Vedic Meditation Technique further to facilitate deeper, more blissful meditations. You will also learn about the process of stress release. The session ends with a group meditation and a chat about experiences.

90 minutes

Day Four

A workshop on scheduling meditations on even your busiest of days and putting the steps in place to make meditation a twice-a-day habit. The course closes with the awarding of Certificates of Completion to signal your graduation as a certified Vedic Meditator.

90 minutes

“I wish I’d gone to BMC when I was first told about it. The difference I felt within the first two sessions of the course was amazing. I can’t recommend BMC enough. You won’t regret it!”

- CARA, bmc student






The results you're going to get:

How does this sound?

Staying calm and adaptable through challenging times

Not sweating the small stuff

Greater confidence and self-esteem 

Less reactive and able to choose a better way to respond, even when triggered

Happiness from within that doesn’t rely on everything going to plan

BOOK FREE discovery call


Sign up for a free in-person talk or discovery call to hear what Vedic Meditation offers.

1. book A Free Intro

After just 4 x 90 minute sessions you will be able to meditate easily on your own, without assistance.

2. ATTEND 4 day course

After the course you get lifetime membership to BMC and all the associated benefits.

3. BECOME A lifetime member

How it works

Lifetime Membership:

1-on-1 lifetime support

When you learn to meditate at BMC you get to call on your teacher whenever you need 1-on-1 help with your meditation.

weekly group meditations

As a student of BMC you get free access to the
150+ group meditations we hold each year.

year long email journey

Weekly emails scheduled to provide tips, guidance and support just when you need it.

quarterly refresher sessions

Refine, retune and refresh your practice every quarter at our online refresher sessions, hosted by one of our teachers.

Our Free Intro Talks are a great place to start if you have any interest in finding out about Vedic Meditation or Bondi Meditation Centre. Matt or Mairead will take you through the origins of Vedic Meditation, how the technique works and the benefits you can expect from practicing it. They will also run through the course structure and what our promise of lifetime support includes.

There's plenty of time for questions, with no obligation to sign up and you'll also get to experience our beautiful space and try our famous ginger tea!

Attend one of our weekly, in-person Free Intro Talks and let Matt or Mairead answer all your questions.

you're in the right place.


Upcoming course dates & schedule

Day 1: Tuesday - Option 1: 7am - 8am or Option 2: 7pm - 8pm 
Day 2: Wednesday - 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Day 3: Thursday - 6:30pm - 8:00pm 
Day 4: Friday - 7:00am - 8:30am

Tuesday 5th November - Friday 8th November 
Tuesday 26th November - Friday 29th November
Tuesday 17th December - Friday 20th December


Tuesday 5th November - Friday 8th November 

Tuesday 26th November - Friday 29th November

Tuesday 17th December - Friday 20th December

Day 1: Tuesday
  • Option 1: 7am - 8am or
  • Option 2: 7pm - 8pm 
Day 2: Wednesday: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Day 3: Thursday: 6:30pm - 8:00pm 
Day 4: Friday: 7:00am - 8:30am

Standard Price


RECEIVE Lifetime
1-ON-1 support

ACCESS weekly group meditations

Free course resit for life

If you work full-time, or are reasonably financially comfortable.

JOIN QUARTERLY refreshers sessions

Year-long support via email 


Subsidised Price


RECEIVE Lifetime
1-ON-1 support

ACCESS weekly group meditations

Free course resit for life

If you work part-time, are a student, a single parent, or your current life circumstances mean you need some support in learning to meditate.

JOIN QUARTERLY refreshers sessions

Year-long support via email 


Community Support Price


RECEIVE Lifetime
1-ON-1 support

ACCESS weekly group meditations

Free course resit for life

If you are a full-time student, unemployed, under 18 years old, or are currently experiencing financial hardship.

JOIN QUARTERLY refreshers sessions

Year-long support via email 


We have an equitable pricing model which is designed to help everyone get the support they need. Those with access to more are invited to pay more, those with access to less pay less. Payment plans are available for each tier. Click on the price for details.

Equitable Pricing

"If you want to change your life, do this course." 

“All of your problems, your stress levels and anxiety will dissipate and become more manageable in ways that you could never imagine. Whatever you need you will get. You can go off and meditate on your own if that’s your thing, or you can build relationships with others and be a part of a community. Definitely take the plunge!”

tuesday, BMC Student

"BMC has been the best, most transformative and impactful experience I have had.”

Having Matt and Mairead as a continued resource to share ideas, deepen my Vedic mediations and evolve alongside is invaluable!

steve, BMC Student

"One of the best decision I have made was taking this meditation course." 


Success Stories

My anxiety disappeared when I started Vedic Meditation. I want to share the beautiful experience I’ve had at BMC with everyone and I’ve already referred seven or eight of my friends to Matt and Mairead!

Be self-sufficient in your Vedic Meditation practice and confident meditating on your own.

Be able to meditate anywhere - on the bus, in a park, at the beach - no matter how noisy it is.

Already be feeling the benefits as years of stress begin to melt away.

Have an awesome support network of other meditators all on the same journey as you.

By the end of the 4 days, you will...


book free
in-person intro

"I recently completed the Vedic Meditation course at BMC and I can honestly say it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. "

- lawrence, BMC Student

That may sound over the top but it’s the honest truth. I cannot recommend Bondi Meditation Centre highly enough. If you are still on the fence just join the free intro talk. What's the worst that can happen? There was absolutely no pressure to join the course and either way you still get to enjoy a ginger tea in a beautiful setting in Bondi.

“Matt is an awesome teacher. ”

- anita, BMC STudent

I love how I learnt in an intimate group and could ask any questions. I learnt how to meditate at the end of September 2014 and in my second month of meditating I got pregnant naturally. This was after 4 years of trying including 5 failed IVF cycles. Vedic Meditation is a great way to connect the whole body, mind and spirit. It's so simple, yet so effective.

Can I learn Vedic Meditation online?

No. Vedic Meditation should only ever be taught in-person and we honor this important tradition. If you can't get to us and would like a recommendation of a teacher near you, let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need any previous experience to learn Vedic Meditation?

No previous meditation experience at all is required to learn Vedic Meditation. 

Is Vedic Meditation religious?

No, Vedic Meditation is not religious and you don’t need any special beliefs for it to work. It is a powerful relaxation technique that originated thousands of years ago. There is a non-religious ceremony of gratitude on Day 1 when you receive your mantra to honour this tradition. 

Can you teach my staff / business to meditate? 

Yes. We offer corporate Vedic Meditation classes on-site at your place of work. Please contact us via our contact form found in the footer for more details.